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What is Churchfront?

Churchfront is a resource run by me, Jake Gosselin to help you lead gospel-centered and tech-savvy worship.

I'm a follower of Christ, husband of Kaylee, worship leader, entrepreneur, and passionate about helping local churches reach more people for the sake of God's Kingdom.

I studied music and religion at Greenville College and earned my Master of Divinity at Denver Seminary. For a decade I've led worship at small to mid-sized churches and learned a lot along the way.

Our world is rapidly changing due to advancements in technology and social norms. While this may cause some challenges for ministry, I'm convinced this is one of the most exciting times in history to be ministers of the Gospel.

Practical resources for the creative and innovative leader

I love to build, create, and innovate.

"How can we reach more people?"

"How can we make our worship experience more impactful?"

"How can we more effectively utilize technology for ministry?"

"How can I grow as a leader?"

These are the questions and challenges I've faced in ministry on a daily basis. For better or worse, I have a "holy discontent" for the status quo of ministry found in many churches. 

I've created Churchfront to challenge and grow myself as a ministry leader as well as help other do the same. Am I an expert at all things ministry related? No! But I love to learn and share what I learn with others, especially those who are creative, builders, and innovators.

I invite you to check out the resources on this site, as well as the 0nline coaching and training programs at www.worshipleaderschool.com and www.worshiptechschool.com. If you have any questions or would like to collaborate, drop me a line here.