Churchfront Footage - Tips and Tricks

So you’ve downloaded our footage for worship backgrounds. Awesome! Here are a few tips and tricks you may find helpful as you use the footage.

Store the footage on a dedicated external drive.
Video files take up a lot of space. If you save them to your computer hard drive you’ll run out of disc space in a hurry. We recommend getting a 1 TB drive like this one. When you build your video playlists in ProPresenter, it will have no problem accessing these files on your drive. Make sure the drive is plugged into the computer when you use ProPresenter!

Make sure your lyrics are visible.
When using footage for worship backgrounds make sure you utilize the power of ProPresenter to make your lyrics legible for your congregation. Here’s one way of doing it. In the ProPresenter slide editor, create a black rectangle, reduce the opacity of the rectangle so you can see through it, and then lay your text over the semi-transparent rectangle. Now you can read the text with the brightest of backgrounds! See the example video below.