First Time Trying Audiofusion In-Ear Monitors With A Live Band

A few weeks ago, I shared a video on how to set up wireless, in-ear monitors on an iPhone using the Audiofusion system.

I set up the system properly in the video and tested it in my office, but I read a lot of comments for the video and saw that many of you were skeptical about whether or not it would actually work during a live performance. To be honest, so was I; I may have set it up successfully, but I still needed to test it out in a real life setting. 

In the weeks since then, a handful of people have already tried it out and sent me some positive feedback, and recently, I tried it out myself. 

The verdict: It worked!

I’m really excited to share the details below. I think this is going to be a game changer for a lot of you.

Set up

As many of you know, I lead worship at a small church plant here in the Denver area so a quick setup is really important to me. I was happy to learn that setting up only took 5 easy steps.

  1. Set up the WiFi router.  

  2. Got SoundCaster app up and running on my MacBook Pro.

  3. Confirmed that the MacBook was getting the audio signal from the Midas M32R digital mixer.

  4. Put my iPhone in airplane mode, made sure it was on the right WiFi network.

  5. Opened up the Performer app on the phone, and it worked.

If you want to know the nitty gritty details of how to set this system up at your church, check out the other video I made that gives you a step-by-step tutorial and the gear guide I created. 

I want to mention that I was only testing this out on myself, I don’t have my other band members using this app quite yet because I wanted to be the crash test dummy for this new system. I recommend that you do the same at your church, because you always want to ease into these types of changes instead of saying, “Hey everybody, we got a completely new system!"



The only snag throughout the entire process was I felt like I was getting some pretty weak signals at the beginning of rehearsal.

To solve this, I went to the SoundCaster app on my Mac and adjusted the gain because I can (and you too) control how much audio is going into the software from the digital sound console, in my case, the Midas M32R.

I also boosted the master gain, the individual instruments and vocal channels. Afterwards, I was getting a nice, strong signal to my iPhone and then we started our rehearsal.

At 1:42, I shared some footage and audio from our rehearsal which you can check out in the video. You’ll see the screen-share from my iPhone and hear the audio from my in-ear mix coming from the Audiofusion system. 


As you can hear, it worked phenomenally during rehearsal. In fact, I’d never had a wireless mix sound this clear before. I could hear everything really clearly, and especially with it being in stereo, I could pan things to the left or right which it made it even clearer. I didn’t have any signal drop-outs unless I ran across the room or went backstage. 

During Service

I was feeling confident about using this during the service because I didn’t have any drop-outs during rehearsal.

I was still a bit concerned.

What would happen if something went horribly wrong and there was a train wreck and I couldn’t hear myself? Just in case something did go wrong, I grabbed my Sennheiser wireless pack that I had been using in the past, and put that on my belt in case I needed it.

BUT I didn’t need it at all. We went into our first set of worship songs (we do three worship songs up front) and everything worked flawlessly. 

At 4:02, you can hear the audio from the in-ear monitor and the music during the service. 

I stepped back for a moment at a transition to adjust some levels which is really easy to do.

I stepped back for a moment at a transition to adjust some levels which is really easy to do.


I went into this as a doubter.  I connected with the guys at Audiofusion, the creators of the SoundCaster app, a couple months ago and wasn’t convinced. I just didn't think it was realistic that it would really work, but I went ahead and tried it out as a crash test dummy for you guys.

Again, I thought I was going to try this out and be like get too much drop-out or latency, and just continue on using the system that I had been in the past.

But there was no latency at all. 

There were no drop-outs either.  

I’m really picky about that stuff, and I didn’t catch any of it. 

Moving forward, I'm going to continue using this system. I plan on getting some more licenses so we can have three or four people in our band use this system. Seriously, I’ve never heard myself so well. This system has sound better than anything else that I've ever used and the signal drop-outs and the latency were not an issue.

I’ll keep you posted on how it works in a few months. In the meantime, try it out for yourself and send me your experiences with this system. 

If you want to continue leading engaging worship then check out and enroll in Worship Leader School where I pour all of my knowledge into showing you how to lead worship–from the ministry aspect to the tech aspect. You’ll get a ton of great content like a course library of proven training, a community of worship pastors and my undivided attention during office hours. 

To continue seeing all my newest content, subscribe to my Churchfront channel and to my newsletter

See you soon!


Audiofusion is working on developing these apps for Android and PC, and I'm really pumped for that because I know it's gonna make it way more accessible for a lot of you.

ALSO. Audiofusion systems didn’t pay me to tell you any of this. I bought my performer license with my own money because I wanted to give this an honest review and I only like recommending things to that I have actually tried myself 👍